About this Report
With the Annual Report 2024, adidas communicates financial and non-financial information in a combined publication. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the financial, environmental, and social performance of adidas in the 2024 financial year.
The cover pages and visuals throughout this Annual Report are inspired by the ‘Plus One Effect’ – the latest chapter of our ‘You Got This’ brand campaign. Introduced in 2024, You Got This puts the joy of sport and its power as a great unifier at the center, as we want to counteract an atmosphere of pressure and stress. Now, in 2025, we are evolving the narrative by highlighting the influence each of us has in uplifting others in sport. It is about changing the game, the tone, and the outcome for someone else, transforming self-doubt to self-belief and pressure to joy. We all need someone to make us believe. SEE OUR COMPANY
We publish our Annual Report exclusively in a digital format. It is available as a PDF and online version. The Online Report can be found on our website. REPORT.ADIDAS-group.COM
The reporting period is the financial year from January 1 to December 31, 2024. To enhance readability, registered trademarks as well as references to rounding differences, which may arise in percentages and totals, are omitted in this publication. In addition, we have used the masculine form partially, although all such references are not intended to be gender-specific. The adidas Annual Report 2024 is available in English and German.
Independent assurance
The consolidated financial statements prepared by adidas AG, including the Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows, and the Notes as well as the Group Management Report, have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (‘PwC’). SEE REPRODUCTION OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR´S REPORT
In addition, this report contains a Sustainability Statement that has been prepared in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). It also fulfills the requirements for non-financial reporting obligations in accordance with §§ 289b ff. and 315b to 315c of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and thus represents the Combined Non-Financial Statement for the adidas Group and adidas AG. The Sustainability Statement has been audited with limited assurance by PwC.
It was not part of PwC’s engagement to review the Online Report or references to external sources such as our corporate website. SEE sustainability statement see independent practitioner's report on a limited assurance engagement in relation to sustainability statement REPORT.ADIDAS-GROUP.COM
Forward-looking statements
Our Group Management Report contains forward-looking statements that reflect Management’s current view with respect to the future development of our company. The outlook is based on estimates that we have made on the basis of all the information available to us at the time of completion of this Annual Report. In addition, such forward-looking statements are subject to uncertainties that are beyond the control of the company. In case the underlying assumptions turn out to be incorrect or described risks or opportunities materialize, actual results and developments may materially deviate (negatively or positively) from those expressed by such statements. adidas does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in the Group Management Report beyond statutory disclosure obligations. SEE OUTLOOK SEE RISK AND OPPORTUNITY REPORT
Alternative performance measures
adidas uses ‘Alternative Performance Measures’ (‘APM’) in its regulatory and mandatory publications that may represent so called non-GAAP-measures. An overview of these alternative performance measures can be found on our website. adidas-group.com/s/financial-publications