Annual Report 2024


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This is a photograph of two individuals. They both seem to be engaged in a conversation or observing something together that isn't visible in the photo. Both people are dressed in sport outfits and are standing near what looks like a fence of a stadium.

Entity-specific Information

Wastewater discharge-related metrics

In 2024, 85.5% of our Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers operating on-site effluent plants achieved the ZDHC Wastewater ‘Foundational Level.’ The metric is based on the ZDHC Wastewater ‘Foundational Level’ (including both Conventional and MRSL parameters) which sets minimum requirements for testing and managing wastewater to ensure it is safe for the environment. ZDHC guidance (ZDHC Wastewater Guideline V2.1) is used as a basis for the methodology, as it represents the latest industry requirements in this field. Wastewater tests are performed twice a year, the results are provided to adidas directly by the lab performing such tests and are considered to cover a twelve-month period (from January to December). Only suppliers that meet the ZDHC Wastewater ‘Foundational Level’ are considered in the KPI achievement.

Chemical input related metrics

In 2024, 73.5% of the chemical formulations used in production met the ZDHC MRSL Level 3 standard. The metric is based on the total number of formulations used (by Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers with chemical usage for production) and the classification of such formulations (based on the ZDHC MRSL). Only formulations that meet the ZDHC MRSL Level 3 standard are considered in the KPI achievement. Data covers a twelve-month period (from November to October), is reported by each supplier directly to the BVE3 platform and is also validated by a third-party auditor before we use it for the KPI calculation.