GRI Standard Content Index

General disclosures

GRI Standard


Location in Annual Report









GRI 102-1


Landing page



GRI 102-2





GRI 102-3





GRI 102-4


Business Performance



GRI 102-5


Our Share



GRI 102-6


Business Performance



GRI 102-7


Our People
Business Performance



GRI 102-8


Our People
Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain
Global Operations


Currently we do not report the number of employees by type of employment contract.

GRI 102-9


Global Operations



GRI 102-10


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain



GRI 102-11


Risk and Opportunity Report
Sustainability, Product Safety and Integrity
Sustainability, Chemical Management



GRI 102-12


Sustainability, Stakeholder Dialogue and Transparency



GRI 102-13


Sustainability, Stakeholder Dialogue and Transparency








Strategy and analysis

GRI 102-14


Letter from the CEO








Ethics and integrity

GRI 102-16


Financial Review, Risk and Opportunity Report









GRI 102-18


Executive Board








Stakeholder engagement

GRI 102-40


Sustainability, Stakeholder Dialogue and Transparency



GRI 102-41




adidas is committed to an open and constructive dialogue with its employees and, if applicable, with their representatives. adidas respects the freedom of employees to join or not join trade unions and right to collective bargaining. Employees are free to join organizations of their choice that represent them in accordance with local organizing laws. These organizations may, if recognized as the appropriate agent, engage in collective bargaining according to the applicable legal regulations. We currently do not track the figure of employees concerned on a global level.

GRI 102-42


Sustainability, Stakeholder Dialogue and Transparency



GRI 102-43


Sustainability, Stakeholder Dialogue and Transparency



GRI 102-44


Risk and Opportunity Report
Sustainability, Worker engagement and empowerment


Anonymous grievance mechanisms in place for own employees and workers in supplier factories. Disclosure of received complaints from third parties details name of complainant, complaint outcome and status. Due to confidentiality reasons, no details are disclosed.






Reporting practices

GRI 102-45





GRI 102-46


Sustainability, Material Topics
Non-Financial Statement



GRI 102-47


Sustainability, Material Topics
Non-Financial Statement



GRI 102-48




There have not been major changes in our reporting approach compared to the previous reporting year.

GRI 102-49


Sustainability, Material Topics
Sustainability, Social Impacts


We added Tax as a new material topic. See GRI 207-1 to 207-4.

GRI 102-50


Landing page



GRI 102-51


Landing page



GRI 102-52


Landing page



GRI 102-53


Contact Information



GRI 102-54


Non-Financial Statement


We have prepared the non-financial statement with reference to GRI standards for the business year 2020.

GRI 102-55


Non-Financial Statement


GRI content index as part of Online Annual Report 2020.

GRI 102-56


Limited Assurance Report of the Independent Auditor



Topic-specific standards

GRI Standard


Location in Annual Report




GRI 200 Economic






Direct economic value generated and distributed

GRI 103


Business Performance


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 201-1


Business Performance









GRI 205-1


Risk and Opportunity Report



GRI 205-2


Risk and Opportunity Report



GRI 205-3


Risk and Opportunity Report









GRI 103


Sustainability, Social Impacts


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 207-1


Sustainability, Social Impacts



GRI 207-2


Sustainability, Social Impacts



GRI 207-3


Sustainability, Social Impacts



GRI 207-4




adidas is committed to being compliant with all tax regulations in all jurisdictions it operates in. We file the annual country-by-country report with the German tax authority and, where required, we inform tax authorities in other jurisdictions that the report has been filed in Germany. Pursuant to information sharing agreements/treaties, the German tax authority shares the reports with tax authorities in many other jurisdictions. Therefore, we are currently not publicly disclosing the country-by-country reporting.


GRI 300 Environmental







GRI 103


Sustainability, Sustainable materials and processes


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 301-2


Sustainability, Sustainable materials and processes









GRI 103


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 302-1


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Energy consumption is tracked in detail for natural gas, diesel, heating oil, other direct energy consumption (e.g. wood pallets) as well as electricity, district heat and renewable energy sources. The split into scope 1 and scope 2 is reported as part of selected corporate sustainability assessments, including our publically available submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project. Compared to 2019, we added 28 new sites in our own sites reporting scope. Energy consumption for adidas own sites globally totaled 197,529 MWh in 2020.

GRI 302-3


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


As the environmental footprint in our supply chain is bigger than our own operational footprint, we have set energy reduction intensity targets for our strategic Tier 1 and strategic Tier 2 apparel material suppliers. Progress toward these targets is tracked and reported annually.






Water and effluents

GRI 103


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 303-5


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


We track municipal water, groundwater as well as surface and rainwater usage at adidas own sites. Primary water usage is reported as the sum of all types in alignment with our KPI, namely water usage per employee. Absolute water consumption totaled 301,906 m3 in 2020. In addition, for strategic Tier 1 and strategic Tier 2 apparel material suppliers we set water consumption intensity reduction targets. Progress toward these targets is tracked and reported annually.







GRI 103


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 305-1


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Combined reporting of scope 1 and scope 2 carbon net emissions. The split is disclosed for selected corporate sustainability assessments, including our publically available submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project. Calculation of carbon net emissions is based on the reduction in overall energy consumption for adidas own sites. We use local emission factors and the data base of the GHG protocol/IEA (11/2020) in order to calculate the global warming potential of the energy consumption automatically. Carbon net emissions for adidas own sites totaled 26,765 tonnes CO2e in 2020.

GRI 305-2


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Combined reporting of scope 1 and scope 2 carbon net emissions. See GRI 305-1






Effluents and waste

GRI 103


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 306-2


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts


We track different types of waste streams, covering domestic waste landfilled and incinerated, recycled waste and total other waste. Detailed waste data is available for our biggest global sites internally, and reported in our Green Company Report 2020 on our website (available as of April 2021). In addition, we report progress toward waste volume reduction targets for strategic Tier 1 suppliers.






Supplier environmental assessment

GRI 103


Sustainability, Environmental Impacts, Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 308-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain



GRI 308-2


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain




GRI 400 Social







GRI 103


Our People


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 401-2


Our People, Rewards








Training and education

GRI 103


Our People, Role Model Leadership


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 404-1


Our People, Learning


Employees are offered a wide variety of learning and development opportunities that build on their strengths, grow their skills and help them to achieve their best. Our highest priority is to ensure employees are not only constantly improving their performance but also learning to support their future careers within our company. We report the increase in use of our digital learning offerings. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, training courses with physical attendance were hardly possible in 2020.

GRI 404-3


Our People, Culture


All employees receive a Performance Standard at least annually, figure is tracked internally.






Diversity and equal opportunity

GRI 103


Our People, Diversity and Inclusion


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 405-1


Our People, Diversity and Inclusion
Global Employee Population


Currently we report diversity by gender and nationality. In addition, we report our employee resource groups such as the 'Experienced Generation' group.







GRI 103


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 406-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain








Freedom of association and collective bargaining

GRI 103


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 407-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain








Child labor

GRI 103


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 408-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain








Forced or compulsory labor

GRI 103


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 409-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain








Human rights assessment

GRI 103


Sustainability, Approach to Human Rights



GRI 412-1


Sustainability, Approach to Human Rights



GRI 412-2


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


We track the number of employees being given Modern Slavery training internally.






Supplier social assessment

GRI 103


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group. A risk-based approach is applied for the direct and extended supply chains of the company (for the extended supply chain only where relevant and applicable).

GRI 414-1


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


Assessments cover both environmental and social compliance performance.

GRI 414-2


Sustainability, Working Conditions in our Supply Chain


See GRI 412-2






Customer health and safety

GRI 103


Sustainability, Product Safety and Integrity


Material aspects identified are applicable for adidas AG and the Group.

GRI 416-2


Sustainability, Product Safety and Integrity